Oven Laboratorium MMM Vacucell 111 ECO

Drying Oven 111 Liter yang memungkinkan ekstrusi udara ruang oleh gas inert yang dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk panas tidak stabil dan oksidasi zat sensitif (bubuk, granulates, …) tetapi juga untuk potongan-potongan dengan bukaan dan benang yang sulit diakses.

Vacucell 111

Oven Laboratorrium MMM Vacucell 111 ECO memungkinkan ekstrusi udara ruang oleh gas inert yang dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk panas tidak stabil dan oksidasi zat sensitif (bubuk, granulates, …) tetapi juga untuk potongan-potongan dengan bukaan dan benang yang sulit diakses. Unit-unit ini ideal untuk mengeringkan sampel hingga massa konstan. Mereka harus digunakan terutama di bidang pengolahan plastik, di farmasi, kimia, listrik dan industri lainnya.

Panel Control Vacucell ECO

Panel Control Vacucell ECO


MMM Vacucell 111 ECO : Fitur

1. Quick, cost-saving, ecological – laboratory oven meeting higher demands
2. 111-liter chamber volume
3. Working temperature of from +5°C over ambient temperature up to 200/300°C
4. Noiseless operation and soft heating of samples in the chamber; high-quality and safe heating and drying of samples to constant mass
5. High operation comfort, precise temperature regulation and short times of temperature recovery in the chamber after the door opening
6. Suitable for perfect drying of thermolabile and oxidation-sensitive materials, complex-shape components, samples drying to constant mass etc. under vacuum
7. Model with a Fuzzy logic microprocessor control system; control elements situated on a foil keyboard, process information indicated on a LED display
8. Output for a printer or PC connection
9. Validation possibility (IQ , OQ)
10. Wide range of optional equipment and accessories (e.g. a “Vacustation” box enabling a selected vacuum pump installation, …)



MMM Vacucell 111 ECO : Spesifikasi

• Interior of stainless steel material No. 1.4301
volume 111 L
depth 410 mm
width 540 mm
height 480 mm
• Tray
number 2 pcs
racks max. 8 pcs
• Slaves Distance
Height 43 mm
• Usefull dim. of shelf
Width x Depths 480×386 mm
• External dimensions (including door and handle)
depth 650 mm
width 760 mm
height (inc.foots) 960 mm
• Package dimensions
depth 830 mm
width 930 mm
height (inl.Palette) 110 mm
• Weight
Brut 145 Kg
Nett 130 Kg
• Working temperature (Regulation Start)
rom 5 °C above ambient temp. to: 200 °C
• Temp. deviations acc. to DIN 12 880 Part 2 from working temp – AI shelves pressure 5–10 mbar**
in time to: 0,4 ± °C
in space, temperature 100° C 3 ± °C
in space, temperature 200° C 7 ± °C
• Temp. deviations acc. to DIN 12 880 Part 2 from working temp – ss shelves pressure 5–10 mbar**
in time to: 1 ± °C
in space, temperature 100° C 11 ± °C
in space, temperature 200° C 26 ± °C
• Time of rise onto 98 % voltage 230 V – (Al shelves pressure 5–10 mbar)
onto temp 100° C 110 Min.
onto temp 200° C 130 Min.
• Time of rise onto 98 % voltage 230 V – (shelves pressure 5–10 mbar)
onto temp 100° C 170 Min.
onto temp 200° C 220 Min.
• Heat Radiation
at 100° C 370 Watt
at 200° C 750 Watt
• Vacuum Connection
feedthrough needle valve for inert gas or air 8 mm
measuring acces 40 mm
vacuum connection measuring DN 16 mm
• Electric parameters – mains 50/60 Hz
main 50/60 Hz 1,8 kW
nominal voltage 230 V
current 7,8 A
input in stand by mode 5 W
• Max. permissible load of the shelves
inside the oven 65 Kg/oven
per slaves 25 Kg


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ECO Series

EVO Series


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