Hanon K9840 Auto Distiller

K9840 Auto Distiller adopts globally accepted Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method to determine nitrogen content of sample. All intelligent software design makes the sample distillation complete within minutes.

Hanon Instrument brand

Pusat Alat Laboratorium menawarkan produk Kjeldahl Distillation terbaik di kelasnya yakni  Hanon K9840 Auto Distiller, mengadopsi metode penentuan nitrogen Kjeldahl yang diterima secara global untuk menentukan kandungan nitrogen sampel. Semua desain perangkat lunak yang cerdas menjadikan penyulingan sampel selesai dalam beberapa menit. Sistem pembersihan otomatis penyulingan dan kondensasi membuat presisi pengukuran semakin ditingkatkan. Hal ini banyak digunakan dalam pengolahan makanan, produksi pakan, tembakau, ternak, kesuburan tanah, pemantauan lingkungan, kedokteran, pertanian, penelitian ilmiah, pengajaran, kontrol kualitas dan bidang lainnya untuk pengujian kandungan nitrogen atau protein, juga dapat digunakan untuk uji amonium, asam lemak volatil / alkali, dan sebagainya. 

Fitur Hanon K9840 Auto Distiller

  • Automatic accurate distribute alkali and boric acid solution.
  • Perfect safety protection system gives distiller and tubes measurement and protection against over temperature and over pressure.
  • Calibration Function: Dilution water calibration, Alkali solution calibration, Boric acid solution calibration, Washing flow calibration.
    Safety door, Digestion tube and cooling water condition is displayed at real time when running.
  • Display: 4.3 inch color screen.
  • Manual/Automatic mode changeover free.
  • Automatic Alkali pipeline washing function.
  • Automatic or manual filling mode is optional according to test need.
  • Distillation time can be edited freely, and automatic alarming upon completion.
  • Automatic cleaning of control system and distiller, ensuring high measurement accuracy.
  • Intelligent design of nitrogen tube peripheral facilities including safety designs and displacement hint.
  • Intelligent cooling water control system achieves cooling water control and test.
  • Emergency stop operation is able to deal with unexpected accidents.
  • Automatic fault detection and intelligent audible and visual alarm system are available.
  • Calibration Function: Dilution water calibration, Alkali solution calibration,
  • Boric acid solution calibration, washing flow calibration.
  • Safety door, digestion tube and cooling water condition is displayed at real time when running.
  • Testing model is built in, for detect most functions condition.


Jual Kjeldahl Distillation Hanon K9840 Auto Distiller
Jual Kjeldahl Distillation Hanon K9840 Auto Distiller


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