Glassware Washer – LAB 610, Steelco

Pencuci gelas mesin cuci Glassco LAB 610 SL adalah model pintu geser vertikal, dengan pengeringan udara paksa yang disaring oleh HEPA dan hingga tiga tingkat pencucian / pengeringan pada empat posisi yang tersedia.

Steelco LAB 610 SL laboratory glassware washer is a vertical sliding down door modelwith HEPA-filtered forced air drying and up to three washing/drying levels on four available positions. This machine can be used to clean large bottles (20, 50, 60 lt./5.28, 13.20, 15.85 Gal US).


The filtered forced air drying system with adjustable time and temperature setting, helps to ensure a complete drying, inside and outside, of all the glassware.

Steelco LAB 610 accepts a variety of interchangeable standard and injection baskets used also in LAB 600 models.

Glassware Washer Steelco Lab 610 Series
Glassware Washer Steelco Lab 610 Series


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