Dirancang khusus untuk instalasi dengan ruang terbatas, Steelco LAB 500 CL memastikan hasil yang efisien secara konsisten dalam pemrosesan ulang gelas laboratorium.
This model combines the washing and the hot air drying on two independent levels.
This new generation of compact laboratory glassware washers share the same technology of our high capacity machine range for significative improvements in terms of cleaning effectiveness and thermal disinfection performances.
Stainless steel door version LAB 500 CL LCD display control panel with 40 washing and thermodisinfection programs for laboratory glassware: 20 standard pre-programmed cycles and 20 additional, available for customization. |
Full glass door version LAB 500 CL soft touch Soft touch full glass control panel with graphic colour LCD display. 40 washing and thermodisinfection programs for laboratory glassware: 20 standard pre-programmed cycles and 20 additional, available for customization. |
PT. Sains Steelindo Prima merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi peralatan/instrumen laboratorium dan fabrikasi furnitur berbahan dasar stainless steel kami memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dan telah telah melayani perusahaan dari berbagai bidang kesehatan, industri dan pariwisata
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