SOX406 Fat Analyzer is base on the Soxhlet extraction principle and integrates such functions as soaking, extraction, leaching, heating, condensation and solvent recovery.
SOX406 Fat Analyzer is base on the Soxhlet extraction principle and integrates such functions as soaking, extraction, leaching, heating, condensation and solvent recovery.
SOX606 Automatic Soxhlet Extractor, designed based on the Soxhlet extraction principle with weight method to determine the fat content. It has five extraction methods to meet different demands from customer.
PT. Sains Steelindo Prima merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi peralatan/instrumen laboratorium dan fabrikasi furnitur berbahan dasar stainless steel kami memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dan telah telah melayani perusahaan dari berbagai bidang kesehatan, industri dan pariwisata
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