FRIOCELL Laboratory Incubator Precise, nature-adaptable, cost saving
The high technical standard of our FRIOCELL incubators allows tempering of samples, precise both in time and space. The unique cooling system offers an exact and cost saving simulation of the selected natural processes and reduces the samples evaporation. The incubators can be used in biotechnology, botany, zoology, food industry, cosmetics, chemical industry, etc. where it allows an extremely low duration of the temperature recovery.
PT. Sains Steelindo Prima merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi peralatan/instrumen laboratorium dan fabrikasi furnitur berbahan dasar stainless steel kami memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dan telah telah melayani perusahaan dari berbagai bidang kesehatan, industri dan pariwisata
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