SSA-AUTO Secure Seal Analyzer (Automated Model) (Leak test apparatus / Bubble point)
SSA D – Secure Seal Analyzer (Standard Model) (Leak test apparatus / Bubble point)
The SSA-PLC-12 Secure Seal Analyzer (12 Positions) is a special instrument developed by AT2E for control of the secure seal performance of caps on preforms.
VLT PLC Vacuum Leak Tester (PLC Model) (Air and water tight test box: vacuum test)
VLT–ST Vacuum Leak Tester (Standard Model) (Air and water tight test box: vacuum test)
PT. Sains Steelindo Prima merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi peralatan/instrumen laboratorium dan fabrikasi furnitur berbahan dasar stainless steel kami memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dan telah telah melayani perusahaan dari berbagai bidang kesehatan, industri dan pariwisata
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